Someone else is selling their own version of Phill Martin’s circle acrylic block.
See the screenshot of the post below.
** Acrylic Circles Info **
Thank you to all of you who have taken the time to let me know that someone else is now selling their own version of acrylic circles.
I’m not going to comment on their product as that would be unprofessional and I am not, nor can I comment on quality, as I haven’t actually seen them ‘in the flesh’.
I can and will tell you that my original ones are of the highest quality and indeed have a unique ‘groove’ to aide handling and grip when stamping (which is what they were designed for)
Imitation is the highest form of flattery, they say, but not always!
If you would like to add my acrylic circles to your crafty tool box, here’s a quick link 🙂
Thank you everyone!