Crafty Laughs: Different Craft Customers

We have different craft customers and some can identify with one or more of the following categories.

  1. The Craft Customer that will watch a craft demonstration or see a product and order immediately.
  2. The Craft Customer that is not bothered about the product at the moment.
  3. The Craft Customer that will watch the craft demonstration and look for a cheaper alternative.
  4. The Craft Customer that will add the items to his \ her basket and forget to checkout.
  5. The Craft Customer that will buy and tell others.
  6. The Craft Customers that will order the product(s) so as to have bragging rights.
  7. The Craft Customer that will buy the product base on impulse.
  8. The Craft Customer that will fantasize about the product but can’t afford it.
  9. The Craft Customer that has bought the product and will re-order because he\ she can’t find the product or has forgotten it was bought.
  10. The Craft Customers that will plan ideas on the product by the time the product arrives, he \ she has forgotten all the plans.
  11. The Craft Customers that will buy the product, make something with it and then showcase the how to with videos, blog post or pictures.
  12. The Craft Customer that will wait until the product is on sale or discounted before ordering.
  13. The Craft Customer that will ransack the internet, blogs, websites, groups for voucher codes on the product before ordering.
  14. The Craft Customer that will say, I won’t buy but watch the show and then end up buying.
  15. The Craft Customers that will get into debt just to have the product because he \ she believes that he \she can’t do without it or some other reasons.