Register now for Clip Studio Paint Webinar with Tony Washington titled “Designing worlds for Comics, Games and Movies in Clip Studio Paint” taking place on 24th September 2020 at 7pm BST / 11AM PDT.
Read the press release.
Webinar – “Designing worlds for Comics, Games and Movies in Clip Studio Paint” with Tony Washington
Join us on Thursday, September 24 at 11am PDT (California Time) for a FREE 1-hour webinar with artist Anthony Washington.
Tony will show a variety of techniques from Line Art design, all the way through Photo Compositing to create unique worlds for your next comic, video game and/or movie.
Along the way, you’ll also pick up Clip Studio Paint general tips and tricks that will help further improve and speed up your creative process.
Following the presentation, there will be a Q&A session.
Register here: https://bit.ly/tonywashwebinar
For more information, visit: https://bit.ly/tonywashinfo