Load 222 of the Retro Gamer magazine is on its way to newsstands.
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We kick off issue 222 with an excellent look at The King Of Fighters series. Yasuyuki Oda and Eisuke Ogura tell you everything you need to know about the classic franchise and offer a sneak peek at The King Of Fighters XV. If you love The King Of Fighters you won’t want to miss it.
We’ve gone big on Making Of articles this issue and have some real belters for you. Two Mega Drive sports exclusives: Fifa Soccer 95 and Mutant League Football are featured and we also discover how the quirky adventure Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist came to be. We even find time to chat to Ed Logg about Atari Pinball and discover how The Suffering 1 and 2 were made. Phew!
Other highlights of issue 222 include an in-depth look at how a talented group of coders have made every Game & Watch title playable in MAME and we’ve also managed to track down Charles Martinet, the voice of Mario, and asked him how he got the classic gig that he’s been doing since the mid-Nineties. Mama-Mia!
More things to look forward to include a look at how Summer Games evolved into a huge 8-bit sporting event and the very best arcade ports to collect for Sega’s Saturn. Make sure you bring your wallet!
We’ve lots of great mini articles as well, including Battlezone, Smash TV, Gizmondo, Sensible Train-Spotting, Metal Gear Acid, Metal Slug X and much more!
Thanks for your constant support. Stay safe and we’ll see you all next month.
Darran Jones
Editor, Retro Gamer