February 2022, issue 354 of the PC Gamer magazine is on its way to the newsstand.
Read the press release
The latest issue of PC Gamer is on its way to you – but if you can’t wait any longer, read on for a preview of what you’ll find inside!
Elden Ring, the grand, open world follow-up to Dark Souls, is almost upon us. If like us, you just can’t wait, then this issue is for you, with an in-depth cover feature delving into absolutely everything you need to know. Drawing on our latest hands-on impressions, and hard-won knowledge of the sprawling new lore, it’s the ultimate tome to study during the long wait for February. ;
And Elden Ring is far from the only massive game in this issue. Our 2022 preview feature is packed with over 60 must-see upcoming titles, running down the latest details on everything from Starfield, to Company of Heroes 3, to Total War: Warhammer 3, to Midnight Suns. Find out what games need to be on your radar as we head into 12 months of greatness.
Plus: our definitive reviews of Halo Infinite, Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, Farming Simulator 22, and plenty more hot releases; we put gaming’s best new CPU through its paces; veteran developers let us in on the secrets of invisibility in games; we chart the incredible rise and recent stumbles of CD Projekt Red; and loads more features, regulars, guides, and news besides.
Enjoy your issue!
Robin Valentine
Editor, PC Gamer

Do you have any pride, plagiarising the work of others is a shit thing to do, learn to write your own shit and stop stealing that of others
Margaret Benet,
Surely I don’t know who you are accusing of plagiarism. Is it me or the editor of the magazine? Since it is my page, I will reply to you.
If you are referring to the post, it is simply “copy and paste” (Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V) with the author of the write-up included.
However, it seems you just learned the word and do not know the meaning. So here is a definition of “plagiarism”.
According to Power Thesaurus, Plagiarism is defined as “a piece of writing that has been copied from someone else and is presented as being your own work.
Furthermore, are you paying me that I need to rewrite a press release?
You show a “LOW INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT” in using a word and accusing someone without proof.
Has your work or anyone’s work been stolen by me or the magazine’s editor? Bring your proof or post the link to the work.
In conclusion, if I am subscribing to a magazine, I can decide to share and post the magazine and about it on my page.
Margaret Benet, Your comment speaks of envy and strife. You must be depressed. Where have you seen plagiarism on this blog? Don’t you know the owner of this blog is an author and designer too? The blog features posts from lot of designers, manufacturers as it desires. Accusing someone without proof is insecurity. You are trying to bring the blog owner down without proof which means you are envious of the achievements of the owner of this blog. This blog has credited and celebrated alot of artists and products without taking credit for anyone’s work. I think you want to be noticed that is why you have to write such. Even when the blog owner had to pull her Crafters TV Trademark to allow peace reign yet you evil lots are not satisfied. If you are speaking the truth come out with your proof or you are mentally challenged person that needs psychological evaluation.
Ruddington B, Thank you.
Margaret Bennett, This is a blog that gives credit and links to writers for post it features. This blog features and celebrates artist and creative products without taking a dime from them and have its own tutorials, printables and games offered for free. You are just a bitter soul trying to pull someone down. I admire the blog owner for not deleting your comment and also reply you with education on the term plagiarism. Please don’t miss your medication again. Have you given the owner of this blog accolades for supporting the creative industry, bringing creative news to you with links back to the writer, taking time to do detailed video tutorials to help beginners and more? No, you haven’t but you want to accuse so that she stop helping other creative in the industry. You need to Google her name and her brands. Her post cannot be doctored to suit your narrative. We enjoy the copy and paste crediting the writers. You can go and write your own post, the world is large enough.
Sue Cameron, thank you.
Margaret Benet, it seems you are yearning to be noticed. Well, you have been noticed. Now, run along and cry to your evil and depressed sets. Don’t forget to let your depressed and mentally challenge self and group know that you didn’t succeed in bringing this blog owner down. Treat your bittered soul and fake ass. Using fake name to accuse and destroy someone reputation when you have no proof. Get ready for more copy and paste that will choke you.
Tamara Brighton, Thank you.
Margaret, I have been following this blog right from when it started and I haven’t seen any plagiarism. Credits and links are always given. You know that it is wrong to accuse someone without proof right? I am sure you are using a fake name if not, you will post the link of the work that has been plagiarised. Or you stole her work, add your name and you left this comment to make people think that this blog stole your work. Since, you do not have proof, I will consider this your comment and complaint as envious and slander. Keep hiding behind the fake name and false accusations. This year may you be healed from being a false witness, liar and evil collaborator to destroy this blog and its owner. You can keep checking this blog daily to see the progress. We are all waiting for your proof, if not you are considered as a bittered soul and LIAR. I am sure that the owner of this blog will post it when you bring your proof. If the owner of this blog can post her Crafters TV trademark war and bring out proof of her ownership of Crafters TV domain and how some people are scheming to steal it by including an apostrophe to her business name and trademarking it and yet she withdrew her application to let peace reign, I believe that transparency and facts are with the blog owner. A lot of you are against the owner of the blog because you see her excelling and not being affiliate to any of you as she posts the hidden truth and copyright infringements in the creative industry.
Margaret Benet, I am still waiting for you to present your evidence of me plagiarising your work or someone’s work.
Margaret Benet, it seems you copied a post from here and you didn’t put the required credit and you were accused of plagiarism, so you came here to rant thinking that the blog owner posts only her stuffs not knowing she features other artist’s products and more. This is the only explanation to your outburst. There is no “shit” on this blog. You are the one who is full of “shit” like your comment that is why you havenot returned with proof.
Alexander Rem, Thank you.
Margaret, it is a shame that you came to hide under a gaming post to write this rubbish. You felt no one will read it or see it. Anino has made us interested in gaming and programming. Are you not surprised at the number of people who have commented and exposed your antics? Wailing wailers! Anino has more credibility than you, she has provided proofs or evidence as she posts. Where is your evidence of this accusations or are you one of those crafters that are fools? Hating Anino because she is not your race. You hate Anino because she has what you all couldn’t have that is why you tell this lies. We all know it is because Anino owns Crafters TV domain name that is why you have this hatred for her.
Deron Paul Gardener, Thank you.
Thanks for featuring this magazine and other gaming magazines. I realised that you are a Gamer too and the support is much appreciated.
Gaming, Thank you.
Margaret, I have been following this blog right from when it started and I haven’t seen any plagiarism. Credits and links are always given. You know that it is wrong to accuse someone without proof right? I am sure you are using a fake name if not, you will post the link of the work that has been plagiarised. Or you stole her work, add your name and you left this comment to make people think that this blog stole your work. Since, you do not have proof, I will consider this your comment and complaint as envious and slander. Keep hiding behind the fake name and false accusations. This year may you be healed from being a false witness, liar and evil collaborator to destroy this blog and its owner. You can keep checking this blog daily to see the progress. We are all waiting for your proof, if not you are considered as a bittered soul and LIAR. I am sure that the owner of this blog will post it when you bring your proof. If the owner of this blog can post her Crafters TV trademark war and bring out proof of her ownership of Crafters TV domain and how some people are scheming to steal it by including an apostrophe to her business name and trademarking it and yet she withdrew her application to let peace reign, I believe that transparency and facts are with the blog owner. A lot of you are against the owner of the blog because you see her excelling and not being affiliate to any of you as she posts the hidden truth and copyright infringements in the creative industry.
Trevor McGreen, Thank you.
Margaret, you all have started ganging up and telling lies against Anino after you and your evil lots spread lies that she is trying to ride on Sara back by using Crafters TV and Sara Davies was accusing her of copyright infringement because Anino applied for Crafters TV trademark which is Anino’s business. Now the truth is out that Anino owns Crafters TV, and Sara added an apostrophe to it to use the name, you lots became terrified and sort another plan to tarnish Anino. The way Anino disgraced you lots in the Crafters TV gate and walked away from it all is outstanding. She exposed you lots with pieces of evidence that it was as if a cat catch your tongues. You lot couldn’t take her to court to date because you know the pieces of evidence that Anino presented will destroy you lots. Why have Sara and her lawyer not written another letter after Anino posted Sara’s Crafter’s Tv poster using Anino’s Business name? Thesame way Anino posted the Sheena Douglass copyright infringement in 2018 and the lies told about when a certain craft TV was selling Disney craft dies which was revealed by a group of crafters. Now, all your evil plans have fallen. Anino has risen about you all. Whenever you wake up, sleep or dream, your evil thoughts will punish you and eat you up. This is a blog and you can continue to wail as you desire but be careful of planning evil.
Gracie Mills, Thank you.
Dear Anino and Crafters TV, what on earth are you chatting? Maybe it isn’t exact plagrisism, but you are simply just reposting other people’s content without doing anything to the content. You don’t even add any meaningful commentary to it. Also it clearly showed in the “evidence” YOU provided that Sara Davies’s company had copyrighted the name before you had. No where in the evidence provided did it show otherwise, the names don’t have to be exactly the same in order to create a dispute, it just has to be close enough.
Also you are not even trying anymore are you? These commenters are all clearly faked by yourself. If they aren’t, they can comment a social media profile they have through this to show themselves, but I know they won’t because they are all clearly fake. Why are you doing this? Why are you keeping up this facade? Also what programming and what games? You have barely posted any and the ones I’ve seen don’t have any explanation of how they were made or anything to inspire anyone to make games.
Look you crazy person, good luck and I’m out.
Margaret Benet,
You can say whatever you want and you are entitled to your opinion if you think the comments are faked by me then that is fine. If I can’t fake followers why will I fake comments (laughing). I have no strength to argue. I decided to reply to you because of the games you mentioned due to it being my new pursuit and love.
Do you want me to show you how I make my games? If you can believe that I fake comments then won’t you believe that I fake the programming too? You make me laugh and thank you for that- I am not yet perfect in programming (I am still a student learning to program) but I do program my games myself except where it is teamwork. You will see them soon especially as there is a Game Jam coming up on 20th January 2020.
If you desire that I rewrite some of the words in a post instead of just the press release that is understandable… I do give a caption but I don’t have too much time, for now, you will notice that I have stopped some video demonstrations but all will return back to normal soon as I haven’t been in perfect health for almost a year now. I am getting better now, so no worries.
Regarding Crafters TV, you are right that Sara copyrighted before I did and that gave her ground as an opposition which I never disputed. I only disputed the accusations in the letters sent to me of which I only posted two. I have withdrawn to let peace reign and I have taken up another name and applied for a trademark to avoid a repetition of what happened. I am still using Crafters TV because it protects my school work/ portfolio(submitted assessments and many more) as a student since I am still a student (http://craftersengagement.com/2021/10/the-university-of-arts-londonual-london-college-of-communicationlcc-features-anino-ogunjobi-as-she-becomes-a-grads-in-games-student-ambassador-in-games-design-field/), I cannot allow my work to be flagged when submitted or when I have to apply for something and have to show an online portfolio.
Thank you so much for replying and clarifying. If I am not wrong, you think that I have been less creative. Now that I am getting better in health, I will be back with creativity.
Maybe I am crazy in a pleasant way… hahhhhaaaahhhahhhaaaaahhhaaaaaa. Perhaps I can turn this discussion into a chat in a game or one of my short stories titled “Reminisce of a crafter” if it calls for as I am scouting for ideas (laughing). Don’t worry credit will be given to you.
Thank you,
Honestly, I think you should make a video dedicated to your glorious coding skills and prove this heathen wrong. I think we all want to see how the beautiful machinations of your mind are made, how does a gaming goddess-like yourself create such work. Please let us see a video revealing your mind’s inner workings that are too beautiful for our mere plebeians to handle.
Scott Edegg, Thank you. The “talk through process ( ideas to making the game)” is what I will do in the Global Game Jam but not program the game fully. Hahahahaaha at proving… I don’t have anything to prove because it may be said that I am showing off and when I don’t prove, it will be said that I am a fake and have been putting up a deceptive appearance(facade). So I have learned to leave people with their opinions while enjoying my “peace of mind”. All in due time, things will be seen.
Margaret Benet, I said that your comment speaks of envy and strife. Read your reply and determine who is crazy and fake. You even wrote that Anino should stop this facade. Which facade or you just learnt the word. Didn’t you see the last evidence Anino posted about Sara Davies using Anino’s business name to announce her(Sara) crafter’s tv? When I wrote that this envy is based on Anino having the Crafters TV domain name I mean it. See the shuffling and ship sinking happening in the craft industry in recent days. Even with the gaming, your reply shows your intention. If you want to see the programming of games you can go to youtube or spend your money and go to school and learn. Are you seeking to steal or copy Anino’s work that is why you are angry and stating that she is not trying or what? The games she showed said “gameplay” not how to. You also accused commenters and wanted them to show their handle on social media, hmm! Lots of craft groups and crafters know that anino has been clear with her evidence and posts. It is sad that because you read good comments about her, you feel it is fake that is the same way some will read your comment and think it is for her to trend and planned by her and a friend so that she can boast but Anino’s reply shows she is true to herself and not a fake. She didn’t even take the bait to display her creativity.
Ruddington B, Thank you.
Anino, when I read your comment, I was impressed when you wrote that you had nothing to prove. Your transparency in the Crafters TV issue is commendable and outstanding. I wish you the greatest in your new business name, that name really encircles alot and you won’t be sharing a name and having someone accussing you everyday til they weary you and make you lose focus. It is good that you saw far in all these debacle. I believe it will turn out to be a quality and great Media place and TV channel for Crafters and creative all round the world. I am enjoying the Crafters Dictionary series. I hope you are in great health soonest. The lines have fallen on you in pleasant places, you have a goodly heritage. Thank you for the free printable games- 4 in 1 playmat that you offered during the festive period- you are truly a creative person. Wish you the best in your studies. Enjoy your programming and may you be able to debug any error. I learnt the debug error recently from my grandchild who is learning python programming.
Lunar Roberts, Thank you.
Anino and other commenters, Thank you for giving us comments to read. I have enjoyed the comments from everyone. Anino, I read that your post on association of comment readers, I have joined the association. I subscribed to this magazine and it has interesting contents.
Raymond K, Hahhhahhahha. You are welcome. I went to search for the post. I will repost it again. It makes for a good laugh. Thank you.