There are job vacancies in Michael Miller Fabric company for sales representatives in different regions of the United States. Michael Miller Fabrics stated that it will train the applicant and also provide quality content.
From the poster
Work for Michael Miller Fabrics
We’re hiring sales representatives
Michael Miller Fabrics is looking to grow our company and
This is Where you come in
We are in search of highly-motivated representatives interested in representing a well-established and represented company in the Textile Industry.
Whether you have several existing relationships with store decision makers, or you’re just getting started, this is a great opportunity for you to achieve your personal goals, while helping us achieve ours, Maintaining partnerships with commitment and trust is a top priority for us.
To Help You Succeed
We will Provide
Quality Content
Training Necessary Tools
We are looking for dedicated sales representatives for the following territories:
North Dakota | South Dakota | Maine | New Hampshire | Vermont Delaware | Maryland | West Virginia | Virginia |
We look forward to speaking with you!
Please Contact Penni at:
Link: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/michael-miller-fabrics_activity-6925517515661955072-Bxv9/