We are trying to use craft items in our possession to create artwork and we must follow a rule to release and maximize creativity thereby manifesting the crafter in us.
Here is mine for today, a blank notelet paper weave effect card.
Following the rules:
1- Choose a Creative Sector: I choose the Papercrafting sector
2- Choose Three craft items: I picked paper strips, a card (notelet), and liquid glue.

3- Hair or Eye Colour: I picked the colour “green” for eye colour.
4- Two other colours- purple and yellow
5- No flowers or leaves so I made a paper weave effect.

6- Story or Phrase: Woven Together.

7- Geometric Shape: Rectangle
8- Scissors and scoring tool

#MyTakeOnCreativity, #Game1, #CraftersGame, #CreativeGame, #CraftersMedia, #