Do you like to sit in the garden and listen to audio tales while you enjoy some sunshine, knit or crochet or do any craft, relax and much more? We are continuing the Reminisce of a crafter series in audio as planned previously (I stopped due to being busy with other things but it is back!).
Video description
Reminisce of A Crafter- Season 1 Episode 5: The Last Minute Sewist #TheBleedingFinger
In this audio\ video edition of Reminisce of a Crafter, Cheryl tells her story of being a last-minute sewist. Watch the video slides included as she relates her sewing stories in #CraftersMedia.
The subtitle will be included soon.
If you desire to read the written version, it is in the link below.
Written version: http://craftersengagement.com/2019/06/reminisce-of-a-crafter-the-last-minute-sewist-thebleedingfinger/

Isn’t the video from 2020? Or will there be a new video?
Hello Thea Crab,
Yes, it is. I am notifying everyone that the video/audio of Reminisce of a Crafter series will continue since I paused it and only posted the written version.
There will be new videos.
Thanks for commenting. Now, I know that the comment session has been rectified.
Thank you.