Nevaeh writes about her trying moments with health issues and more and how she learned more about being grateful for each day through a song.
I never knew that there will be a time when I will not be able to craft or do my business.
It all came suddenly like a present wrapped and delivered during the festive seasons.
My trying moments extended to years. I struggle with health issues and other issues including business. They all came at once with no one waiting for the other.
I could hardly craft but that did not stop me from appreciating other crafters’ or designers’ or makers’ artwork(s).
As I get better, I am more grateful for each moment more and more.
Being able to laugh without pain, eat without pain, dance, frown, trouble friends, stand on the balcony watching the sun rising/setting or the moon rising/setting, trees in all seasons, squirrels gathering nuts, trees changing their leaves or the clouds dispersing and many more become treasurable to me.
Being able to do little things myself is a thank you for each day.
I heard the song remixed by a guy name Rushawn and The Kiffness and I was interested in the lyrics. The original song is by Jermaine Edwards
I don’t want to act too high and mighty,
‘coz tomorrow I may fall down on my face.
Lord, I thank you for sunshine,
Thank you for rain,
Thank you for joy,
Thank you for pain,
It’s a beautiful day ..ay ..ay ..ay ..ay
It’s a beautiful day…aaay
The line “Thank you for pain“ caught me.
The little things that I was able to do without help before my trying times felt like entitlement when I was in good health, I am now grateful to do these things as I get better.
In these trying moments, I lost loved ones, friends, and families.
I am still grateful for the trying moments. I learned and observed a lot during these trying times.
I was wondering why King Solomon of the Holy Bible had the time to study or observe the ants… Haaaa…haaa…ha. Now I understand because I lay down waiting for my health condition to improve, I observed a lot of things around me that I would have ignored.
Here is the link to the song on youtube.