Termed “That Crafty Saga”, Samantha K crafts details its ordeal in the hands of Create & Craft TV

Samantha K Crafts posted on its Facebook page about it being owed by Create and Craft TV.

Read the press release

That Crafty saga!!

So Many of you may have seen (and for those that haven’t) many C&C suppliers announcing that they haven’t been paid, have removed their brand shops and won’t be doing shows or shipping goods until they are.

Well whilst I am no longer a supplier for C&C, they do sadly owe me a fair chunk of money 😢, in fact enough money to potentially put me out of business, enough money to mean we haven’t been able to pay bills and enough money to seriously affect us as a family 😭.

Sadly i am not in the boat of being able to threaten pulling a show to get paid (not that i blame those suppliers that are doing so!) so the likely hood of me getting paid is very slim 😭

These are monies owed for items i have already shipped out to customers and so its not just a case of not getting the money, but we have already paid out huge chunks of money covering the materials and packaging & postal packaging for the goods that have been sent, let alone the hours and hours that went into fulfilling the orders.

This is no reflection on the everyday staff at C&C as they are all wonderful, but sadly it is a direct reflection on the poor, rude and unprofessional management at the highest level 😤.

My advice is to take a minute to have a look at a suppliers direct facebook page before placing an order via C&C, to check they haven’t announced they won’t be shipping before ordering your goods.

