Artist Trading Post reveals that it will not be stocking the lastest release from AALL & Create. It also states that it is closing its shop.
From the screenshots.
Screenshot 1:
With great sadness as we are in the process of closing we will not be stocking the latest release from AALL & Create However I can point you over to That’s Crafty who are stocking the release.
Screenshot 2:
With the heaviest heart I have to inform my customers that I will be closing the shop over the next few weeks.
The main reason for this is I cannot compete with selly telly – Bundles, massive discounts, buy now pay later, free postage, members discount and then pay over xx months and free postage etc.
Small shops whether B&M or online cannot compete on this level, we can try, but will always be the loser.
Another reason is the craft industry is heading in a direction I am not comfortable with, copyright issues, stealing designs and claiming as your own, designs being claimed as hand drawn when they clearly are not, found to be coming from stock images etc. I am finding it harder and harder to trust what to put my money into, so it is time to draw the line.
I will spend some time over the next few weeks discounting stock and I will let you all know when that takes place.❤️