Fritillaries crown imperial plant in line-art and colour

fritillaries crown imperial

Fritillaries crown imperial is our lineart of the day.

Fritillaries are drooping bell-shaped tulip-like flowers.

Fritillaries often have nodding, bell- or cup-shaped flowers, and the majority are spring-flowering. Certain species have flowers that emit disagreeable odors. The scent of Fritillaria imperialis has been called “rather nasty”.

Crown imperials, or Fritillaria imperialis, are the real show-stoppers of the fritillary world. A tuft of lush green leaves and whorl of bell-shaped orange or yellow flowers sit on an impressive 1.5m (5ft) flowering spike in April or early May.

fritillaries crown imperial lineart

You can;

  • colour it; digitally or manually with colour pencils,watercolour, acrylic or oil paint,
  • trace it
  • use it for Appliqué
  • greeting cards (colour it, emboss it with embossing powder or foil it)
  • parchment craft( by tracing and then embossing it or colouring it)
  • Cross- stitch or needlework craft
  • and much more.

Enjoy using in a craft of your choosing!

Get those colouring pens, graphic tablets, softwares, paints, brushes, watercolours and other colouring mediums. Just enjoy colouring the flower lineart!