Featured wallpaper: Hellephant Girlephant and Babyphant by Risarocksit

hellephant wallpaper by Risarocksit

Our featured wallpaper is the “Hellephant Girlephant and Babyphant” by Risarocksit.

This design is also available on fabric and as a collection. The whole Helly family! This would make a cute backing fabric for the Hellephant cheater quilt, if you are ordering the Hellephant cheater’s quilt.

Please, visit Risarocksit’s shop on Spoonflower to order and see more design.

Hellephant’s collections link: http://www.spoonflower.com/collections/24658

Wallpaper link: http://www.spoonflower.com/wallpaper/1424899-hellephant-girlephant-babyphant-by-risarocksit

Risarocksit’s shop: http://www.spoonflower.com/profiles/risarocksit