You don’t need money to make money. You don’t need to know someone who’s made it in order to make it yourself. You just need to set yourself ambitious, but attainable, goals.
In this interview with Chase Jarvis,  you’ll find out how Daymond knew when to go all-in on his dreams, and learn how to set attainable goals for yourself.
Join Daymond John, star of ABC’s Shark Tank and founder of the iconic apparel brand FUBU, to learn how he built himself a plan and knew when to go all-in on his dreams.
You don’t need money to make money. You don’t need to know someone who’s made it in order to make it yourself. You just need to set yourself ambitious – but achievable – goals.
As Daymond John worked hard to start one of the world’s biggest apparel brands, he kept his day job as a server at Red Lobster.
He knew that he had to survive before he could thrive. In this interview, you’ll find out how Daymond knew when to go all-in on his dreams, and learn how to set attainable goals for yourself.
Daymond John is a modern renaissance man. He founded the iconic apparel brand FUBU, taking his business from a side-hustle to a global enterprise with over $6 billion in sales. He is the CEO of Shark Branding, a brand management firm that manages big names like Muhammad Ali, the Kardashians, and Pitbull. He is one of the stars of ABC’s Shark Tank, and the NYT- bestselling author of The Power of Broke. He’s also a Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship, and has joined the President and his staff at summits in Kenya and Cuba.