Learn the basics of EQ7 with Amy Ellis! Amy will share the all the basics and tricks she’s picked up after using the program for years.
Like how to use the tool bars and libraries to their fullest potential, draw your own blocks and experiment with the fabrics you plan to sew with in a virtual quilt top.
If you own EQ7 or are considering the purchase this is a great overview of all that you can do with the program.
About the Presenter
Amy Ellis is an author, fabric designer, quilter, wife and mom to four. Her books include Modern Basics, Modern Basics II, Modern Neutrals, Think Big and Modern Heritage Quilts.
Amy has also contributed to a number of other books and magazines.
She lives with her family in a small town in the Utah mountains, where the hot summers and cold winters are a great else to stay inside and sew!
Amy is proud to be a Baby Lock spokesperson and sewist, and posts regularly at amyscreativeside.com.
To register, visit:Â https://www.themodernquiltguild.com/events/creative-webinar-designing-quilts-eq7-amy-ellis