Fans of BBC’s blue Peter show here is a splendid news to delight you! Cake international teams with BBC’s Blue Peter to create a special Blue Peter Pets feature at the NEC spring show (NEC, Birmingham • 17 – 19 March 2017 ).
Read the press release below.
Cake International is working with BBC’s Blue Peter to create a special Blue Peter Pets feature at the NEC spring show (17 – 19 March).
Watch this space plus all our social media channels to see the story unfold using #BluePeterCakePets.
With work created by Cake International cake stars including Molly Robbins (Molly’s Creative Cakes), Kay Gajra (Kaykes), Ben Cullen (The BakeKing), Rob Baker-gall (Mr Bakers Cakes) and Robert Firth (Cake Castle Osset).
Visitors can expect to see life sized and realist portrayals of all their favourite Blue Peter pets from over the years, made of 100% cake and sugarcraft materials in this one-off display!
Link:Â https://www.cakeinternational.co.uk/birmingham/spring/