Knit Now presents a design submission call for quick Winter Patterns and the deadline is 12 noon GMT(Greenwich Mean Time), 8th of May 2018.
Read the press release below.
Fancy a quick little design challenge?
I’m looking for some fun little quick makes today. As you may know, we sometimes give away cute little knitting kits with the magazine. Recently we’ve done an Alice in Wonderland kit and a little Christmas dog kit in his own Christmas jumper. We also like to offer our readers some alternative makes for their kit yarn – things like mitts, hats, mug cosies etc.
Your designs don’t need to use up all of the yarn, or even use all of the colours if you don’t want to. You can add beads, buttons, notions etc. but please don’t add any extra yarns.
This call is open to all designers, worldwide.
So, if that sounds like it might be up your street, read on for the details.
About the yarn
The yarn is 4-ply acrylic, 400m per 100g – very similar to something like Patons Fairytale Fab 4-ply, or other popular baby acrylics.
Simple Scandi Winter Kit: on sale October
This is a big bumper kit with 16.5g/66m each in 8 colours:
Cerise, Violet, Pale Pink, Turquoise, Mid Blue, Pale Blue, White and Black
Projects we’d like to see for the Scandi Winter kit:
Knitting AND crochet projects!
A mix of festive-themed items and projects which can be made as Christmas gifts.
Crochet: small baby blanket or other baby makes, toys, women’s accessories (hats etc), homewares
Knitting: Baby garments, toys, women’s accessories
Both: Festive gifts and decorations
For an idea of the feel of this issue, take a look at our mood board here.
Skill level: Keep this beginner-friendly. We will publish a maximim of one (very simple) stranded colourwork design, so please consider slip stitch colourwork and stripes.
IMPORTANT: All projects must be worked on 3.5mm straight knitting needles or a 3mm crochet hook.
What to send:
Please send a PDF, including a sketch, a swatch and a description of your idea. .
IMPORTANT: Please save the PDF as kitname_yourname_patternname.pdf
For example – ScandiWinter_SarahJones_MugCosy.pdf
Please send in your submission to my colleague Angela at by midday UK time on Tuesday 8th May. Commissions will be sent out within a week, the yarn will be sent straight out and final patterns and samples will be due back with Angela by Tuesday 3rd July.The usual rights and terms apply for these patterns – you will be paid fairly for your work, your samples remain your property, and 4 months after publication, the rights to your patterns will return to you.
If you have any questions at all, please just give me or Angela a shout.
Happy swatching,
Kate x