Craft News: “Look forward with love welcome 2019, Give to yourself” – Amy Butler

Amy Butler speaks on “giving to yourself”.
Read Amy Butler’s statement below.
Here we are at year end and we find ourselves deep in the flow of giving and receiving, which is a beautiful thing! The subject of my email is a bit provocative: GIVE TO YOURSELF. We might traditionally think of giving to ourselves as selfish. But the truth is if we don’t fill our buckets, and take care, we can get depleted very quickly and not have anything left to give. It’s a powerful principle that can easily get lost in the mix of this busy season.
In giving to ourselves it’s not necessarily material, for me it’s as simple as honoring time for myself each day to stay balanced and peaceful through meditation and prayer or working out, making a nice meal in the evening, or listening to an inspirational podcast. These touch points keep me sane and happy and centered in my heart. And the heart is where all our giving juju lives!
I’ve curated a special mix of “giving” experiences in my inspirations below. I hope they spark moments of reflection and connection for you where you may discover the gifts of transformation, creativity, self love, letting go of the past, self acceptance, aligning with your heart, nurturing your wanderlust and welcoming the future.
I wish you all a grounded, joyful end to this year filled with meaningful moments that make you happy and present. Great positive change awaits us all in 19’ as we look forward with the generosity and spaciousness of love!
From Dave, Susan the kitties and myself, we thank you for being here!
Much Peace and Love to you and your families.