Beauteous Spring colour palette of the day.
#A87CA0 = Thin Color (Usu iro), #C8AD7F = Light French Beige, #86ABA5 = Aqua Blue Color (Mizu-iro),  #ED9121 = Carrot Orange, #006994 = Sea Blue, #800080 = Patriarch.
Use it in,
- designing motifs (seamless repeats, half brick, or mirror repeats,
- Sugar-crafting,
- Paintings,
- Paper-crafts/cardmaking,
- Parchment crafts,
- Home décor,
- Fashion/dressing up,
- Knitting: machine knitting/hand knitting,
- Crochet,
- Sewing,
- Quilting,
- Fabric designing,
- Digital crafting/computer crafts,
- Celebrations; parties,weddings,baby showers,
- Embroidery,
- Favour bags/gift bags making,
- Colouring,
- and much more.