Quilt Challenge: Acknowledging quilts from Christine Ricks, Malka Dubrawsky, Steph Skardal, and Michelle Wilkie, Modern Quilt Guild Introduces the American Patchwork & Quilting Stripes Quilt Challenge with submission deadline November 30th 2019 and up to $1000(One Thousand USA Dollars) in prizes

Modern Quilt Guild(MQG) announces the American Patchwork & Quilting Stripes Quilt Challenge. The submission deadline November 30th 2019 and up to $1000(One Thousand USA Dollars) in prizes.

Read the press release.

Introducing the American Patchwork & Quilting Stripes Quilt Challenge! For this challenge, participants are asked to create quilts using and inspired by stripes – like other categories, this category is eligible for judging and awards up to $1,000!

Official category description: Eligible quilts must feature stripes as a primary design element. Stripes may include but not be limited to: pieced stripes, fabric printed with stripes, single stripes, multiple stripes, etc.

There is no minimum size for the finished quilt. Maximum size is 100” per side.

The deadline for submissions is November 30, 2019, You can submit entries along with other QuiltCon submissions at quiltconentry.com.

The quilts featured above are by: Christine Ricks, Malka Dubrawsky, Steph Skardal, and Michelle Wilkie. Patterns are available free to members on our website.

On a side note, don’t you love these striped quilts? They are all MQG patterns! Members get access to dozens of free quilt patterns on our website. Don’t miss out. Join the MQG.