JaguarWoman Designs shows her new design themed “Bounteous”.
From the screenshots.
Coming soon . . . gonna work real hard at this . . .
Still “coming soon”. But I’m picking up speed and think I’ll be done in a couple of days.
Toward the end of a product development, I go through phases. I get tired, I get disillusioned, I get bored. I think: “this is really crap, I just want to bake a pie”.
I am slogging through the difficult task of completing elements for a product. Then . . . I finish something and I feel a stab of joy, not just because I have one of the last backgrounds of vignettes, but because I have fallen in love with the colors again and found my harmonious spot.
Now I get excited for the completion and have the energy to go the extra mile.
So . . . another piece of “Bounteous”. And I am beginning to feel the bounteousness.
I did this composition, the background and vignettes and the files with the individual elements and . . . it is pleasing to me at last.