After a lady had 22 stitches and a stay at the hospital when the Crafter’s Companion Metal Shim cut her, Crafters warn others about the use of the metal shim.
Here is a video by Tracey Basten on YouTube showing a cut finger sustained by Debby Robinson. You can hear Dean Wilson telling her to be careful.
Video description
Debby Robinson from crafters companion cut her finger on the metal shim.
While using the metal shim Debby cut her finger on it, as can be seen from the plaster it was quite a large cut.
The staff at crafters companion cut themselves as do the owners of the Gemini die cutting machine.
This metal shim is so dangerous it can be seen in one of my other uploaded videos cutting a hard cooking apple in half easily.
Trading standards have asked for everyone to contact them and report these cases of injury.
Please feel free to post your injuries below as well, let’s see how bad this is.
I have read and seen so many cases of people suffering cuts from the razor-sharp edges of this metal shim, the worst being 22 stitches and a stay in hospital.
Please post below so we can see the true extent of the injuries Thank you.
I’m amazed that there have been no comments in the year since this was posted. I cut my thumb a couple of days ago (the first time I’d used the metal shim) and was surprised how many of the members of my card club had experienced the same problem.