The Clip Studio Paint Tutorial competition themes for February 3rd 2020 to March 2nd 2020.
Read the press release.
Entry period
Theme 1
Speed painting
Let’s see those speed paintings! From sketch to completion, create a work in a limited period of time that shows off a personal tip or technique you use in Clip Studio Paint or a function you would recommend.
Theme 2
How to use vector layers
Let’s talk about vector layers and their unique ability to easily and effectively edit linework after its drawn! Introduce vector layers and show how to use them to their fullest potential with the use of vector erasers, perspective rulers, symmetry rulers, etc.
Theme 3
How to draw flowers and plants
For this theme, we would like to see tips for creating flowers and plants in various ways in Clip Studio Paint. Examples include traditional botanical paintings, how to draw and shape plants, as well as decoration methods using brushes and materials.
Total rewards worth US$10,000 each month!
Each month we’ll select the best tips on the month’s themes, and award up to a total of US$10,000 in rewards! We will announce the winners on the tenth of the following month.
Video Award: US$900 per person (up to 10 people)
Gold Award: US$700 per person (up to 4 people)
Silver Award: US$300 per person (up to 10 people)
Bronze award: 3,000 GOLD per person (up to 30 people)
- Notes:
- – TIPS posted with a YouTube video will be eligible for the Video Award as well as the Gold, Silver, and Bronze awards.
- – Winnings will be transferred to a PayPal or bank account. Transfer fees will be paid by Celsys, but fees for obtaining the winning sum will be paid by the winner.
How to apply
To enter this contest, simply post your tutorial to Clip Studio Tips with the tag MonthlyTIPS202002 and one theme tag (Speedpainting, VectorLayers, DrawingPlants).
When posting with a YouTube video, include the hashtag (#ClipStudioTips2020) and the Clip Studio TIPS URL (https://tips.clip-studio.com/) in the YouTube video’s information section.
Tutorials that do not follow the posting guidelines (such as tutorials containing copyrighted content or characters) cannot be considered for awards. Publish early to increase your view count and likes! We advise you to publish your entries as soon as possible, as the number of views and likes will influence selection.
Post your tutorial on our theme of the month and share your art knowledge with Clip Studio Paint users all over the world! You can even submit short tutorials (approx. 200 words) based on tips you have posted social media posts such as Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, or YouTube. Each month, we’ll select the best tutorials for the month’s themes, giving away up to US$10,000 in prizes!