Affinity releases its new initiative titled “100 days, 100 commissions to help freelancers.
Read the press release.
100 Days, 100 Commissions
After hearing so many stories from freelancers about commissions being cancelled and the uncertainty surrounding future work due to current events, we wanted to do something to help out in these unpredictable times.
So in addition to our new 90-day free trials and 50% discounts on Affinity apps, and as part of our pledge to spend our whole 2020 creative commissioning budget in the next three months, we’re launching a new initiative: 100 Days. 100 Commissions.
From today, you can submit your work to us for consideration. It can be a project you’ve already completed, were halfway through, or even a proposal for something new — it’s up to you.
You can read all about the initiative on our website and learn more about what we’re looking for, what you’ll get out of it and how to submit.