Posting a Tag With the Wording ‘The Truth Doesn’t Cost Anything, But A Lie Could Cost You Everything’ Tim Holtz Posts a Link to Lara of Ink Road Stamps Second Apology on Youtube After She Accuses Tim Holtz and His Team of Racism and Bullying

Lara of Ink Road Stamp has posted a second apology to Tim Holtz and his team after she accused Tim Holtz and his team of racism and bullying on two videos.

You can see the videos, in the links below.

Link 1:

Link 2:

Link 3:

Tim Holtz debunked the accusation and told people to proof before passing judgment.

However, Lara released a second video and then delete all the videos from her YouTube channel. she then posted her first apology message before this new(second) apology message.

From the screenshot.

 Tag Wording

‘The Truth Doesn’t Cost Anything, But A Lie Could Cost You Everything’ 

we’re grateful to those who stood by us. time to forget the mistake and remember the lesson…