Film Making: Screenwriting Competitions to Enter in September, Presented by Film Freeway– MovieMaker

Here are a list of MovieMaker’s Screenwriting Competitions to Enter in September 2021.

Read the press release

September is a huge month for screenwriting competitions, with some of the heaviest hitters — like the Atlanta Film Festival Screenplay Competition and Final Draft Big Break Screenwriting Contest — offering you a chance to finally transform your years of caffeinated typing into the career you fantasize about.

We’re offering the following list of some of the biggest, most prestigious, and most potentially transformative contests to give you the motivation to start that mad dash to the finish line (or better yet, a confident, well-deserved stroll to the finish line).

Screenwriting competitions care less than you might expect about whether you bold your scene headers. But they care a lot about your voice, character development, and yes, grammar. (And be sure to spell your characters’ names the same way — every time.) As you make your last pass — hopefully not at 11:59 p.m. on the night of the final deadline) you might want to consult our recent survey of What Screenwriting Competitions Want.

And now, here are 1o you might want to enter in September, along with how much they cost, what they offer competitors, and whether you can still apply later if you miss their deadlines. They’re arranged from the soonest September deadlines to the latest. And please check their Film Freeway pages or the competition websites for further details on any discounts, additional prizes, and more.
