With Autumnal Equinox on the way, Amy Butler reminds us of Fall Transitions

Here is a message from Amy Butler.

Read the press release

Hello Friends!

Welcome to Fall! The long summer nights have passed and we are now in a space of transition. It’s a time of activating new growth cycles and acknowledging expansion as a natural evolution of being. The Autumnal Equinox is Wednesday September 22nd and represents a beautiful becoming!

Lena Stevens from The Power Path says “ September’s theme is “ Time for a New Story” where we honor the harvest of gifts, lessons, hard work and intentions. We are supported during this Equinox to make radical changes in our lives to bring more balance and personal expression to the surface. The positive opportunity this month is for a new story to emerge for you that is much more aligned with your authentic self.” This energy excites me and has me looking ahead to what I can create in my own life, and what we can create together as a community of supportive souls expressing through the energies of kindness, love and compassion.

In this spirit of change, I ask myself what am I willing to let go of to create new space for growth, to make room for my ever-evolving dreams? Last month I partnered with my dear friend Hildie for a one and half hour free online workshop on Dream Crafting where we learned how to use our words with purpose and craft a vision for an area in our lives that we wanted to work on. For me, it was around my relationship with my horse Harley. Folks who joined us worked on dreams for their relationship to themselves, for their creative life and family. Now with a vision in hand I’m willing to let go of the blocks and barriers to my dreams, the inner dialogue ( the old stories ) that can dampen the dream. Our follow up event, Removing the Blocks and Barriers to Your Dreams , is designed to help us learn how to curate thoughts that are a match to our dreams and let go of the ones that undermine them. The whole experience of this workshop is infused with a sense of humor, lightness, fun and compassion!

If you are inspired to embrace the season of change, I hope you can join me for our free workshop or take part in one of my other inspiring events planned for later this month. Details for all of my upcoming events are presented below. If you have any questions please circle back to me. My email is amyb@amybutlerdesign.com.

It’s a joy and delight to share with you! Thank you for being here!

Until Soon, All My love, XO Amy

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” – Mary Oliver