Baby shower crafting: Wallpapers by Ahudybery

Daisy in frame 300dpi
Daisy in frame wallpapers by Ahudybery® Photo credit: Ahudybery®

Wallpapers can make a beautiful

gift for a baby shower or a newborn,

since most expectant parents wants to

beautify the nursery while

waiting for the birth of their baby.

Although, some people love

painting the nursery,

some still love a strip of wallpaper to

make border, or to give a unique

touch to the room.

More pictures of wallpapers below,

which can be order from our spoonflower shop

Happy Home decorating!

daisy stripe 300dpi
Daisy stripe wallpapers by Ahudybery® Photo credit: Ahudybery®
multi stripe vertical 300dpi
multi stripe vertical wallpapers by Ahudybery® Photo credit: Ahudybery®
multi stripe horizontal 300dpi
multi stripe horizontal wallpapers by Ahudybery® Photo credit: Ahudybery®
cupcake stripe 300dpi
cupcake stripe wallpapers by Ahudybery® Photo credit: Ahudybery®
scenery stripe wallpaper 300dpi
scenery stripe wallpapers by Ahudybery® Photo credit: Ahudybery®
bead stripe 300dpi
bead stripe wallpapers by Ahudybery® Photo credit: Ahudybery®
spring floral bloom dots or fireworks 300
spring floral bloom dots or fireworks wallpapers by Ahudybery® Photo credit: Ahudybery®
spotty colour purple monochrome 300dpi
spotty colour purple monochrome wallpapers by Ahudybery® Photo credit: Ahudybery®