Free teddy bear, hearts, cats, knitting pattern for Robin Fleece new yarn by Thomas B. Ramsden

 cutie cat knitting pattern robin fleece yarn
Free knitting patterns  for the Robin fleece yarn by Thomas B. Ramsden are available to download.
Robin Fleece is a wonderfully soft yarn, made from 100% nylon it is perfect for blankets, teddies accessories or garments.
Pictures  free patterns below.
The ply/ weight of the robin fleece is chunky.
To download the free patterns please visit
For a FREE Heart Cushion pattern download
For a FREE Teddy Bear pattern download
For a FREE Cuddle Cat pattern download
heart shape pillow robin fleece yarn
heart shape pillow robin fleece yarn


cutie cat knitting pattern robin fleece yarn
cutie cat knitting pattern robin fleece yarn
cutie teddybear knitting patter robin fleece yarn
cutie teddybear knitting patter robin fleece yarn