Here is a post by Lesley Wharton on ‘knock-off’ designs.
From the screenshot.
As you know David and I own a stamp company and, like many of our friends and colleagues in the industry, we are getting sick and tired of the Chinese ‘knock-offs’ that are flooding the world.
I have no objection to either the Chinese or any ORIGINAL goods that they may produce, what does really get my blood boiling is all the copying they are doing. Whichever way you want to look at, copying anyone else’s designs is STEALING; it is a crime. It may be a way of life in China, but it should not be just accepted as a matter of course.
If the world continues to buy cheap copies then the genuine artists, fashion designers, small and medium-sized businesses etc, etc will cease to exist. We will have no choice, and no individuality.
We understand how tight money can be and we all want to save a penny or two here and there, but remember for every penny saved buying cheap copies is one less penny going to the individuals and independent businesses which brought the item to the market place in the first place.
Thank you for taking the time to read and please share, the more we band together the more chance we may have of turning the tide.