Reminisce of a Crafter: The Fast Cook- #FastCooking

Season 1 Episode 13: 

Mellissa speaks on how procrastination helped her in making a unique stewing sauce.

I have been designing and forgot that I haven’t eaten since morning. Taking a look at the time, it is Four PM.

My tummy rumbles and the hunger pang is increasing.

I dashed into the kitchen for a quick sandwich, opened the fridge and discovered that the last bread slices were the top and bottom of the bread. I don’t like this part of the bread. I can’t be selecting types of food to eat now.

I applied some grated cheese on the slices and then put it in the oven for some minutes. The cheese melted and I ate like someone who is in a time-eating competition. I didn’t care for a coffee or tea drink so I had warm water to drink instead.

I have to start the next project and then order some groceries online. I procrastinated and forgot to do my grocery shopping. I am at a deadline now, so I will need to order the groceries online. The grocery will be delivered tomorrow at Six AM if I can find a delivery slot for that time.

I have to eat something heavy this evening my tummy is still rumbling. Checking the food storage, I decided on rice and stewing sauce.

I put the fresh chicken in the oven and let it dry for about 3 hours or more. I blended some tomatoes and scotch bonnet pepper to make stewing sauce for the rice while the fresh chicken dries in the oven.

Within that time, I placed the grocery order, started the other projects and finished them.

I finished a greeting card and then cut out the fabric to quilt using a fabric die and an electronic die-cutting machine.

I started sewing the cut fabric pieces. I was careful not to make mistakes so that I didn’t rip stitches and restart.

I finished sewing the top of the quilt and also cut fabric for a suit.

I checked on my chicken and it was ready. I put the chicken in a stockpot, poured the blended tomatoes and scotch bonnet over it, added seasonings, and vegetable oil and allowed it to simmer on the cooker while I washed and put the rice in a pot so it could cook as the stewing sauce is cooking.

I didn’t care to add one ingredient wait for some minutes and then add the others in a step-by-step process.  In fifteen minutes, the food was ready. I paused from my work to take my food.

I ate on my computer table while I made the final changes to the groceries that I ordered.

The stew turned out delicious. My family loved the food.

Finally, I finished my work and had my bath before I slept.