January Project- Video- Game: Fulfiling her promise, Anino’s step-by-step video on how to make the Punch-In and Punch-Out -Physical Game using craft dies

Anino details her step by step process of making the Punch-In, Punch-Out physical game using craft dies.

Here is a game that I and my team member made. You can play the game on the web without downloading it.

Crafters Empire Itch Channel: https://craftersempire.itch.io/punch-in-punch-out-digital-game

About the game:

This game is about placing alphabets with their coordinating pairs.

The alphabets may be punched out from scenery or maybe hiding in scenery and many more.

Let’s go on an adventure…

Due to its dual nature of being a physical and digital game, this game is available as a digital game. Made by Anino and Ralph for Global Game Jam 2022

Watch the GamePlay on Crafters TV and Anino TV YouTube Channel:

This game is child friendly. We had nursery school children play-testing the game and it was fun. The physical game was also used at a party as a competition between guests. The digital game will be updated with more games later on.

Watch how to make the game on Crafters TV and Anino TV YouTube Channel: