Knitwear Inventory: Crocheted Stripe Drawstring Skirt now on Anino Ogunjobi TV YouTube and Crafters Media YouTube

The video tutorial of the Crochet Stripe Drawstring Skirt for Crafters Media’s Crochet Inventory is now on Anino Ogunjobi TV and Crafters MEdia Youtube channels.

About this video.

In this video, Anino teaches how to crochet a simple stripe skirt and its drawstring.

What you will learn;

  • How to crochet a stripe.
  • How to add the yarn for the stripe.
  • How to make a drawstring.
  • How to insert a drawstring.
  • How to sew the skirt on the sewing machine.
  • How to make the skirt’s band.
  • Deciding the slit for the skirt.
  • and many more.

#CraftersMEdia, #CrochetInventory, #KnitwearInventory,