Knit now (magazine) presents a design challenge/call for submission for UK only knitting designer.
Knit Now UK only designers challenge for ideas using 100g of yarns( Stylecraft Head Over Heels, Rico Kid Mohair Silk, Sirdar Colourwheel). The deadline is Midday GMT on Monday 27th February 2017.
Read the press release below.
Think Fast!
It’s time again for the Knit Now designer challenge! Just tell us what you would do with these yarns, we’ll pick 3 ideas for each and send you the yarn out to you.
The deadline for ideas is Midday GMT on Monday 27th February (yes, that’s just next Monday – that’s what makes it a challenge!). We will pay £70 for each accepted pattern. For each idea, please send a PDF including a sketch and brief description of your idea. If you can include a swatch – even better (it doesn’t have to be in these particular yarns, just something that will convey your idea). A decision will be made by the end of the day on Wednesday, yarn will be requested for you straight away and the deadline for final patterns and samples will be 11th April 2016. Unfortunately, due to the tight turn-around this time, this is only open to designers in the UK, but my main call for Autumn will be going out in the next couple of weeks, which will be open to everyone.
I’m more than happy for you to resubmit ideas to this call which have previously been submitted to another call, so long as they can be knitted from 100g of the given yarns.
The yarn – what would you do with this?
- Challenge 1, June: Stylecraft Head Over Heels, 1 x 100g ball
- Challenge 2, July: Rico Kid Mohair Silk, 4 x 25g balls
- Challenge 3, August: Sirdar Colourwheel, 1 x 150g ball
These are the kind of things we’re looking for…
- Designs featuring simple textured stitch patterns
- Seasonal accessory designs
- Quick and simple ideas for beginner/intermediate knitters
- Stylish homewares and fashionable finishing touches
- Clever patterns which can be expressed concisely (500 words or 1 side of A4 is ideal)
- Have a look at my knitting pinboard for things which are catching my eye
The details
- There’s a flat fee of £70 for these patterns – please take this into account when planning your idea.
- Sorry – UK designers only this time round due to time constraints.
- We’ve got limited page space for these designs, so patterns which can be written concisely are always a bonus – please include an estimated chart size and page count if you can.
- Designs will be commissioned pretty much straight away, and your deadline for pattern and sample to be back with us will be 11/04/17.
- You can suggest designs you’ve submitted previously if you think they’d work in one of these yarns.
- A swatch is not completely necessary for this, but a sketch is.
- You can send me as many ideas as you like – we’ll be looking to choose three quite different designs in each, to show the versatility of the yarns.
- Please create separate PDF files for each idea and save each one as as YarnName_YourName_PatternName_KNDC7577.pdf – the YarnName should be ST (Stylecraft), RM (Rico) or SC (Sirdar). For example, SC_JennySmith_PointyHat_KNDC6971.pdf
- Send your ideas to kate.heppell@gmail.com – if sending multiple ideas, you can include them all in one email.