The hatblock for July 2017 on how2hats is the crown block(CB) 212.
Read the press release below.
Every month we offer a discount on one of our popular designs and this month it is the percher block CB212.
Click here to see a short video of Shelley Zetuni of Goldust Millinery in London, putting her CB212 block to use and making a fabulous hat.Â
For the month of July enjoy 15% off the price making this block just £138.55 if you live inside the European Union or only £115.46 if you live elsewhere in the world.
To take us up on this great offer send an email to catherine@hatblocks.co.uk and we can get yours on the workbench for you.
Link:Â http://www.hatblocks.co.uk/block-of-the-month-july-2017/