For our home cooking project, we made steak pasties.
Diced beef
Butter- Salted 125g, and unsalted 125g
Sunflower oil
Plain or all-purpose flour – 750g
Beef Casserole mix
Egg for glazing(optional) I didn’t use it
Dessert spoon
Pastry brush
Rolling pin
Pasties cutter
Step 1: Wash and put the meat in a pot. Add pepper and boil until it is cooked. Do not add salt because the beef casserole mix contains salt.
Step 2: When the meat is cooked, add the beef casserole mix and two dessert spoon of sunflower oil to the beef and the beef stock.
Step 3: Mix flour and the butter together and add water to make the dough.
Step 4: Dust the work surface with flour. Roll the dough and cut shapes using the pasties cutter.
Step 5: Fill one side of the cut-shape dough with the beef or steak filling and cover the filling with the other side.
Step 6: Close the edges of the pasties using the handle of the fork.
Step 7: Put the pasties on a baking paper covered baking tray. Bake for 45 minutes, 150 degree Celsius, the middle layer of oven.
Step 8: Enjoy your pie.