Knit Now has an editorial job vacancy for its magazines (Knit Now, Crochet Now and Your Crochet and Knitting) and 4th October 2019 is the application deadline.
Read the press release.
We’ve just announced a job opportunity on our website here.
What is more important is that you are organised, have a keen eye for detail and above all you must be passionate about knitting.
Pop over to the website for all the details of what the job involves and how to apply.
p.s. If you aren’t interested in applying yourself but you know someone who might be keen, please pass this message on to them!
p.p.s. I’m not going anywhere! The successful candidate will be working alongside me on Knit Now.
Link:Â https://www.knitnowmag.co.uk/2019/09/19/do-you-want-to-work-at-knit-now/
Knit Now is a fresh and stylish knitting magazine which launched in the UK in October 2011. It is a monthly national newsstand title, available from large supermarket retailers as well as smaller independent newsagents and digitally through our apps.