Here is the open letter by Benjamin Levisay, CEO of XRX in respect to STITCHES United 2020 and Corona Virus or COVID-19.
Read the press release.
Hello Friends!
We have received a few calls and emails asking if we are going to cancel STITCHES United 2020 because of concerns about COVID-19.
The health and safety of our attendees, instructors, vendors, volunteers, and staff/family is incredibly important to us, so we of course are monitoring the situation very closely. We assure you we are in constant contact with the hotel, convention center, and the CVB in Hartford, CT. They in turn are working with the state which is monitoring risk. At the present time, we do not believe that the limited risk warrants cancelling or postponing the Hartford show. We have calls into the Connecticut State Department of Public Health—And from their website there are no restrictions suggested for events in CT.
At this time, it is our full intention to move forward with STITCHES United. Of course, we are working with our host hotel and the Connecticut Convention Center in terms of taking extra precautions with regard to sanitation and cleaning.
With two weeks to go before the show, we have our hands full planning the event. We are focused on moving forward. If there are major changes to the risk level in Hartford, CT, or any travel advisories regarding travel, we will assess our options and alert you as soon as possible.
Benjamin Levisay
CEO, XRX, Inc.
STITCHES Events, XRX Books, & stitchips
P.S. As additional resources, here are some additional links from the CDC that you may find helpful…
The CDC Hand Washing Resource page: https://www.cdc.gov/handwashing/
The CDC Survival Guide to Safe & Healthy Travel: https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/page/survival-guide
The CDC Prevention Resource page: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/prevention-treatment.html
The CDC Traveler Information Resource page: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/index.html
The Connecticut Convention Center COVID-19 Resource page:Â https://www.ctconventions.com/covid19/