HATalk shares link to 124 entries in its 2020 hat making competition.
Read the press release.
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All 124 entries to the 2020 HATalk Hat Making Competition can now be viewed at www.hatalk.com.
Our expert judges, top British milliners Denise Innes-Spencer and Judy Bentinck, along with HATalk Editor Becky Weaver, are currently in the process of choosing four finalists. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place winners of the 2020 HATalk Competition winners will be announced on 18 March 2020. Afterwards, you will have a chance to vote for your favourite hat to help determine the winner of the Public Prize.
In case you missed the 2020 HATalk Competition details and all of the fantastic prizes on offer, click HERE.
We’ll be in touch again soon. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy looking at each of the amazingly creative 2020 HATalk Competition entries as much we did!