According to a post by Nigel May on his Facebook page, he will be resuming as a new presenter on HobbyMaker TV.
Nigel May left Create and Craft TV after his last craft presenting show on 29th June 2023. You can read about it here on the blog (https://aninoogunjobi.com/2023/06/nigel-may-sets-to-leap-into-the-unknown-as-he-prepares-to-leave-create-and-craft-tv-after-29th-june-2023/)
Read the press release
So the news is out! I’m starting at HobbyMaker as from the 28th August.
I’m really looking forward to getting reacquainted with some of my favourite crafty people and being introduced to lots of fabulous new ones.
It’s going to be a whole lot of fun and one heck of a ride – which is just what Andy Love took me for in his motor!
Excuse the singing but be grateful that our renditions of ABBA, Dolly Parton and Grease hit the edit room floor! See you 28th August 1pm.
It’ll be great to be back ON AIR!
I’m matted and layered with excitement!