Vogue Knitting is calling for design submission for its Early Fall and Fall 2020 magazine issues and the deadline for submission is Monday, January 13th, 2020.
Read the press release.
Dear Designers,
As 2019 draws to a close and we start a new decade, we are starting to think about Early Fall and Fall 2020 and what fashions will be in style and the trends we have already seen walk down the runway. We have come up with some ideas for design submissions.
Loose Silhouettes
Fashion continues to lean on the side of airy silhouettes, with easy fit and boxy looks on the runway and appearing in different companies look books. We’d love to see how you are able to interpret this trend into fashionable sweaters and knits that people would wear. For inspiration, look towards Eileen Fisher and their timeless looks.
Color and Stitch Blocking
We asked for your inspiration in the last design call, and the trend continues into Early Fall and Fall. This can lead to worsted weight wools, which would have great stitch definition for any and all stitches.
Hounds Tooth and Check Plaid
Interpreting these two woven stitches into knitwear leads to interesting developments and ideas. Heritage fabrics appear allover fashion in different iterations and color combinations. We want to see how you would reimagine these classic stitches and fabrics.
Industrial Cables
Heavy gauge cables. Intricate knots. Criss cross over one another and along the garments for increasing amounts of interest.
Sustainable Yarns
Ethically sourced fibers, more environmentally friendly spinning and manufacturing techniques, and eco dyes are appearing in yarn brands across the market. Showcase some of these yarns in your design submissions and the natural qualities of the yarns.
Prep Chic
East coast collegiate style has been trendy since the 1920s and it waxes and wanes with the fashion seasons. Think about clean lines, collared shirts, bold stripes, playful plaids, and knits to pair with them.
Men’s styles
Men’s fashion continues to grow, so do men’s styles. Send us your best men’s designs and inspirations.
Please submit your design submissions by Monday, January 13th, 2020.
Please submit a ONE PAGE .PDF with your images and brief explanation of your techniques. Make sure to include: YOUR NAME, EMAIL, SHIPPING ADDRESS, and PHONE NUMBER on the submission. Any submissions without this info may not be considered.
When sending us your submission, please take into account the following procedures, which will help us to expedite our communication with you:
• Make your presentation as organized and concise as possible.
• If submissions are mailed in, they will be returned as soon as we are finished with them. Due to space restrictions, we cannot hold all designs that are submitted for the duration of the selection process. Should you receive a few but not all of your submissions back, it means we are holding the balance for possible placement and will return them as soon as the process is complete.
• If submissions are emailed in, you will hear from us if your design has been selected. Due to the sheer volume of submissions that we receive it’s not possible to respond to every one.
• If you want to use any of your submissions for another purpose during the review process, send an email to designsub@sohopub.com asking to take out of consideration the particular submission(s).
• Please do not telephone or email with inquiries as to the status of your submissions.
Bear in mind that we reserve the right to hold and review design submissions for all of our publications until such time as the design selection process is finalized for a season; this may take up to six months.
Designs can be either mailed or emailed (but not both please). Follow these guidelines for submission:
Mailed Submissions:
• A swatch should always accompany a design sketch. Please staple them together.
• Mount sketches and attach swatches to 8.5″ x 11″ sheets.
• Make sketches dark enough to photocopy and keep a photocopy of each submission for your own records.
• Print your name, email and phone number clearly on each page.
• Include a self-addressed stamped envelope to ensure your swatches and sketches are returned.
• Mail to Vogue Knitting Magazine, Design Submissions, 104 West 27th Street, 3rd Fl, New York, NY 10001
Emailed Submissions:
• Send clear scanned images of swatches and sketches and be sure that each file is clearly labeled with your name, address and phone number. Also make it clear which sketch and swatch are to accompany each other.
• If necessary, we will request a hard copy of a submission.
• JPGs or PDF files work best for us at 72 dpi only.
Please note that submission of a design does not guarantee publication in the magazine.
Matthew and the VOGUE Knitting Design Team